Have standards to hold a woman

12 Feb 2016 - 09:56 | Tags: sexual double standards, relationship advice

When we find a woman that we like, we might go over and talk to her. After some time we might ask them out on a date. For some people this is 5 minutes for others 5 months! Eventually we get there and a courtship ensues. Again the speed at which this progresses is completely dependent on you and the other person. I know a couple that slept together on the first night and ended up getting married, I also know people that would court for months and months, ultimately getting nowhere with the relationship.

Once you move into having sex everything gets easier. The door has been opened, you have put your sexual cards on the table and that gives space for everything else to start opening up and growing. Where that goes again is down to who you are, however there is a sure fire way of killing any possibility of something growing into the medium term. Have no standards... for yourself.

Many people hold standards of the way they live their work lives or their home lives, but when it comes to a relationship I have seen people drop their standards so quickly without even realising that they are doing it. They want to make the other person happy, and inadvertently they find themselves crossing lines they have drawn for themselves, or capitulating on points that previously they would never have let go.

They do it out of a desire to keep the woman that they are with – but actually ultimately it causes the woman to leave them. Let me give you an example. Man is working hard at a job – long hours. Woman complains that he doesn’t spend enough time with her. Man cuts down job in order to spend more time with her, ceasing to be the high flying powerful business man that the girl fell for in the first place. She stops fancying him, attraction dies and ultimately she leaves him to be alone and in a worse position that when he met her without the position he once held to see him through. How did this happen? The man dropped his standards.

When in a relationship whether a short fuck buddy style set up or a more medium or long term relationship, remember this and do not drop your standards in order to try and “keep” or “please” the woman. Remember that ultimately she liked you for the person you were when she met you, changing that in any major way is going to get your ass dumped.

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