How to have amazing sex part 6: Make it a great story

27 Nov 2016 - 13:56 | Tags: how to have amazing sex, sex tips

As humans we communicate through stories – and whilst this may be an odd opening to an article about how to have amazing sex – bear with me on this, because this one is a doozy. We live our lives seeking all sorts of things, money, experience, pleasure, for some people they even seek pain. Whatever it is we seek, it is rooted in emotion, rooted in how we feel about certain things. We are ultimately seeking a **feeling** - and we have learned through our own experience and conditioning that this feeling that we seek can be found through certain actions, and certain ways of doing things. When we have those experiences, we then go on to tell our friends about them, we relate the story of what happened, what we did, what the outcome was... and of course how we felt during the journey. So how does this relate to sex you ask? Well make it a good story, and the sex will be better.

The story of “I met this guy in a club and we had sex” isn’t very exciting. The first time you do it, this story is enough, if you have never met someone and just gone and had sex with them without really knowing who they are, then this *is* exciting, and to you it is a good story. Your friends may be slightly shocked, and you certainly shocked yourself a little! Once it is in your comfort zone, once this is normal however, this ceases to be an exciting prospect, and the story stops being one that is a good one to you.

Now you know this – all you have to think about doing, is to make the story exciting! Mix it up, keep it real. If the story instead is “I met this guy in a club, he was a great dancer, there was instant connection, we ended up in the back alley fucking like animals it was so electric...” Now that is a story that is great. That is a story that makes the sex better.

Remember, the sex happens in the moment, but how we feel about the sex afterwards is actually as important, as it changes how good the sex was in out memories. A good story will ensure that the sex stays in the persons mind as a night of ultimate passion... and may leave them gagging for more.

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