How to have amazing sex part 8: Competition brings out the best in us

20 Mar 2017 - 18:56 | Tags: how to have amazing sex

As humans we are naturally competitive. It is sown into our very nature. Our very existence is based on being competitive enough to be able to “win” ie survive! Those that lost this or lacked the competitive nature to push hard enough to survive, well, died! This means that for a long time many with zero competitive nature simply did not live long enough to have kids with the same nature as them. That is not to say that we are all the same, that we are all clones! We have this nature to different degrees and strengths, and they can also manifest in very different ways. Someone who seems very non competitive when you first meet them may just have a certain area of his or her life where that really comes up. Some people are really relaxed at work, but put them in a kitchen to cook a dinner and suddenly it *has* to be the best meal that anyone has ever tasted in their life. So how can competition help your sex life you wonder. Well allow me to elaborate on this in order to hep you have amazing sex.

In our previous articles on how to have amazing sex, we covered everything from emotional release through to why you should sweat for sex. Here I would like to share with you the addition a bit of competition can make to your sex life. We all want it, why not get it.

It turns out that according to science, competition between couples can quickly help their sex lives on an actual chemical level. It can physically change and alter how the body is reacting in order to make them more attracted to each other, and therefore have better sex.

Competition increases libido-boosting testosterone and the feel-good chemical dopamine - both of which fuel arousal and spark interest in your spouse - says Scott Haltzman, M.D.

So how can you take advantage of this? Easy – just make up reasons to have a little competitive edge before going to have sex! Have a race down the street to see who can make it home first. If you are watching TV, watch a quiz and keep personal scores to see who gets the most answers correctly before the end of the show. Play a game of thumb war, with a forfeit for the looser. Strip poker is a classic game that both uses the competition principle, but also acts to remove clothing from the person ready for them to have sex.

You don’t even have to pick from the above. Anything at all that you think you might want to try out, any excuse or fun thing where you pit yourself against each other can quickly help get that chemical spike that Scott Haltzman talks about, and help boost your sex life.

So want to have amazing sex? Then get a little competition going. See who can take their clothes off first. You won’t regret it.

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