Learn Language through Sex

13 Sep 2016 - 15:41 | Tags: sex education, sex is great, sex is a teacher

Sex is great in all its forms, and for any reason. Whether you have taken the more mainstream choice of sleeping with just one person in a committed relationship, or whether you took the more enlightened path of have sex with true freedom through a fuck buddy, several fuck buddies, or just a more no strings attached relationship, the sex is still good for you. There are a number of things that orgasm does that are healthy for both the body and the mind, and ultimately the increased sense of self worth and esteem that sex brings has a fundamental change to your attitude and state in the moment that will make you more successful and happy. Sex makes you better, at everything. This can include the learning of a language given the right partner.

Learning to speak in a language is one of the most difficult things that the brain can do as an adult. As a child your mind is like a sponge, you are absorbing and soaking up every little thing about the world that you are exposed to. Things you take for granted now as “easy” are actually complex processes that your child brain greedily learns. How to walk, how to go to the toilet, and of course how to speak. Communication is at the core of how we live, work and make love to each other. Sex itself is an act of communication... but I am jumping ahead a little here. We will come to this.

Trying to learn to speak a language in a classroom will work, but when you are learning a language you are learning to communicate, to exchange thoughts and emotions. Having strong emotion when learning is key to learning quickly and at depth... and these are things that are sorely lacking from a classroom environment, however, they are things that are most definitely present when you are with someone that you are fucking.

Sleeping with someone who is fluent in another language will give you a state to learn that language at an accelerated rate. You have a practice partner all the time, you have someone who can guide you... but more than that you have the emotion that the sex brings to drive you. You have the lust fuelled desire that will cause your brain to really soak up the information, to store it, to get a handle on how to use it for expression. Fucking someone is to (for a moment at the least) be immersed in them, with them. Immersion learning is the fastest way to grasp anything... and this is no exception.

So if you ever fancied learning a language, find someone who comes from the country and grab them as a fuck buddy. You will grasp the language quickly, and all through the fun medium of sleeping with them! Orgasms for education!

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