Love Sex

12 Nov 2015 - 10:16 | Tags: love, relationship sex

We here at f-buddy so not get involved with the Love side of things, we are focused on sex. That is not to say that love does not happen, simply that we are honest about what we provide as a website. We aim to ensure that 2 likeminded people that are looking for a low stress no strings encounter meet. What happens after that point of course is up to them, all of our readers are adults and are more than capable of making decisions for themselves as mature adults.

Whilst we generally ignore this area in terms of our involvement in it, this is never something that completely goes away, and I thought it worth discussing here.
Sex. We all know and understand what that means. We can describe it with words, we can show you videos of it (and indeed the internet’s early days of birth were primarily filled with the storing and sharing of pornography. Funny how so much invention has been driven by sex and war). We could draw you diagrams of how it is done and the ways one can find and have sex. This is one for the scientists to describe.

Love on the other had is so much more indefinable. You can try and describe it with words, but so often people will talk about it in different ways, and have completely different experiences of it. We can show you videos of people in love, but not of love itself. When capturing it on film we can only show it to you from one step away, and this is more the realms of Romcoms than porn. Trying to draw a diagram of it would be near impossible. Some of the steps one might take to find and have love can be laid out for you, but again there are no guarantees and replicating these steps exactly will not necessarily get you the same results. This is one for the poets to describe.

So one is definable, tangible and very real. It can be captured and analysed for you and by you should you wish to. The other is intangible, hard to describe and some peoples opinions a faacy that doesn’t really even exist!

Yet if they do, what we can agree on is that they come together (pun unintended), often hand in hand. Where you find one you will so often find the other. Know that we keep ourselves un involved in the process of this. Know that the options are yours to explore should you wish to.

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