Make Her Squirt

2 Sep 2013 - 09:00 | Tags: female ejaculation, how to make a woman squirt

Female ejaculation is still considered a myth in some quarters.

“A female squirting? Fucking impossible!”
“Making a woman squirt during sex? Hah! Pigs might fly!”

Believe it or not even here in the f-buddy offices, opinions like the ones above still exist.

Well, it’s not a myth and it is easier to achieve then you might first think. The one thing you will discover though is that in order to achieve female ejaculation, both parties must be entirely comfortable with one another before attempting it. Just like any other sexual practice, it’s best enjoyed when you’re both chilled out and ready to do some exploring.

So how do you do it?

How to make her soak the sheets: A Basic Guide
1. Foreplay is where you begin (isn’t it always?). Now all you need to do is to start licking her vagina and clitoris to begin to get her excited. Once she’s ‘primed’ so to speak, insert two fingers into her vagina with your palm facing up.

2. Between 1 and 2 inches inside of her vagina you should be able to feel a round ball of skin – congratulations; you’ve just found her G-Spot.

3. Keep stroking the area with your fingers increasing pressure as you do. You might find the area will become more solid but just keep stroking and continue to increase the pressure.

4. For increased stimulation use your free hand to press down gently on the area between her navel and pubic mound.

5. As the pressure and intensity increases she will probably tell you that she feels like she needs to pee. THIS IS NORMAL. What you need to do is gently reassure her that its fine and she should just let go. This is about making her feel totally comfortable in your hands remember? Her instinct might be to hold back so you need to be very reassuring at this point.

6. She will now begin to approach orgasm and you will notice fluid already building up on your fingers. Prepare yourself as you will be greeted by one of two things: a light gushing liquid or a full on drenching spray. Either is normal and the amount of liquid can be anywhere between a teaspoon to a cup.

7. Have some towels handy.

8. After she’s orgasmed, you won’t ordinarily be able to have penetrative sex with her right away – her vagina will be too sensitive (imaging the head of your own cock right after you’ve come). Only go ahead if she gives you the impression that she’s ready for more!

Worth a squirt
Female ejaculation isn’t a myth and it’s not impossible to achieve as long as you put in some effort and practice. Also achieving it might not be exactly like the method we describe above. You might have to alternate positions and experiment with stroking and caressing other parts of her body at the same time. You can even try alternating between penile penetration and finger stimulation to achieve the effect.

When you find the method that works, both you and your fuck buddy will be on your way to several rounds of orgasmic sex.

Happy fucking!

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