The reasons that she broke up with you are lies

12 Mar 2017 - 19:02 | Tags: sex and lies, being dumped

You have just been dumped. I mean you have had the proverbial kick to the nuts that we all get at some point, and you have had your ass handed to you. You have been dumped big time, and damn it hurt. Firstly I would like to offer my condolences. We have all been there, but that does not help you right now. Not with your issues, just know that there is a lot of brotherly love coming at you right now from all of us. Now let us get on to the reasons that she told you when she broke up with you, why they are all complete lies, and why you need to completely ignore everything that she told you immediately.

She doesn’t really know why she dated you in the first place

If you ask a woman after a seduction, why she had sex with that guy, what was it he said or did that made her want to fuck him, she will give you a list of reasons. She might talk about how charming he was, or manly, or she has a thing for beards... I mean the list is endless. It is also all nonsense. It is post fact logic, it is all post justification for a decision that she made without logic. You see the reason she slept with you in the first place was not logical, it was emotional. Asking a girl why she slept with you after a seduction is like asking a drunk guy how he lost in a fight - the whole thing was out of his control in the first place and he can’t really remember any way so he just says some words so that he feels he answered the question. She is the same. She does not have a clue.

She does not know why she is dumping you – it is just all false data.

So when she breaks up with you, the same is true. It is an emotional decision, not a logical one, so any logic that is used to explain it is all bollocks. It is meaningless. Anything that she tells you about why she has broken up with you is false data, and needs to be ignored. If you try and change your life, alter your habits and action based on what she says in order to avoid a future break up with another girl you are going down the wrong path my friend! You are wasting your energy! She has just spoken total horse shit, so you must discard her words immediately.

So remember – her reasons for the breakup are all lies, even if she is striving hard for honesty, she is incapable of it.

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