Remember: The best sex (s)he has ever had is the sex (s)he is having with you right now

28 Nov 2015 - 10:24 | Tags: best sex, best oral sex, sex is great

There are so many times and reasons that people feel don’t feel great about their sex life – and quite often a lot of these issues are in people’s minds. They carry them into the situation / relationship of their own accord and the other person is then saddled with trying to help deal with them or alleviate them. This is bad for *both* parties. So I hope to help alleviate some of these right now. Read this, and believe me, your life is about to be made much better.

Oh no - They didn't orgasm!

This is 95% when you are sleeping with a girl. You have sex, you come and they don’t orgasm. You feel terrible, you feel like you cheated them, and you feel all insecure about the fact that they didn’t orgasm. Get over it! It is in your head! They probably had a really good time, and even if they didn’t orgasm, remember the best sex you can have is the sex you are having right now – so they still had a better night than if you weren’t there at all.

Oh no – you are terrible at sex

You have all sorts of logical reasons to tell yourself you are terrible at sex. You are less experienced, you don’t know what you are doing with your hands and your fingers, you are a bad kisser, you come really quickly... the list is endless. This manifests itself when you are actually having sex. You are in the moment and you blow your own enjoyment because you are worried they are not going to be having as good a time as they could be. Nonsense! Remember. The best sex they have ever had is the sex they are having right now with you. So relax and enjoy yourself.

Oh no – they slept with loads more people before meeting you

Everyone has a history. Everyone has slept with someone before they met you. Maybe it is just one, or maybe it is one hundred, but likely they have had experiences with others. Do no get paranoid about it – this is the big orgasm killer! So they have slept with other people, so what? The sex with you out punches any sex they had previously... and do you know why? I can tell you if you haven’t already understood this – the best sex they have ever had is the sex that they are having right now! Even if they slept with a Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, they are having the best sex of their life with you because it is now, and nothing in the past exists anymore.

Remember this – and go forth and be confident!

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