Why you need to use Condoms

10 May 2015 - 11:44 | Tags: safe sex, condoms, good casual sex

Only 19% of single women between the ages of 20 and 44 used condoms in 2008 according to a study by the Guttmacher Institute. In 2012 STI diagnoses rose in the UK by 5%. Instead of more people using contraceptives, more people are using it less and less. The idea of bareback sex is so attractive now; that we no longer seem to think that it carries any risk. Most of us using this site are after all, middle class and holding down a decent job. Yet we are at a higher risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection/disease (STI/STD) than any other social group.

Strap it up before Hopping On
More and more men are going out unequipped. Women seem to have inherited the responsibility of going out prepared for sex with a stranger, yet both sexes are using condoms less and less. You would think that in an age where the world has experienced a massive HIV outbreak, unplanned pregnancies are still at a high rate and many STIs are virulent (Chlamydia and HPV are not pleasant – Google them if you don’t believe me), that we would all be exercising more caution when it comes to shagging around.

Yet we are not.

More young women admitted to having sex without a condom in 2014 in the UK than at any other time in the past decade. Excuses ranged from ‘it doesn’t feel as good with a condom on’ to ‘I think I might just be infertile so I might as well enjoy the sex as much as possible’. How smart, intelligent people can delude themselves so easily just frightens the crap out of me.

We all need to be safer when it comes to sex. Condoms do not prevent enjoyment; in fact they can enhance it with men managing to come later and women being able to experience different sensations depending on the condom. If it’s the feeling of skin on skin you’re after then you can even buy condoms that are designed to feel like you’re shagging without one.

We have never been in an age where contraception and protection against sexually transmitted diseases is so available, yet we choose not to use the protection available.

Think before you fuck
Having sex is one of life’s greatest pleasures. However it can also be the cause of some of life’s greatest problems. You don’t have to feel pressured to have unprotected sex. You have control over your body so look after it. Think of it this way; would you shake hands with somebody you know had just dipped their hands into the toilet? No of course you wouldn’t. So why have sex with somebody who wants to have unprotected sex with you for the first time when you don’t know who else they’ve been having sex with?

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