What if you had a serious illness? Something incurable, degenerative and something that was ultimately going to kill you? How would you change your life? Different people react very differently to this. Some people go on a “Fuck it” style spending spree. They throw all caution to the wind, they quit their jobs, they give their stuff away and they focus solely on having a great time. Fair play I say. Other people go the other way. They drive really hard at work to make money fast whilst they have time, they set up their money in funds and structure things so that when they die, they have a legacy that gets passed on. They become super sensible about everything, and their ambition, compressed into a shorter time, causes their trajectory to become somewhat off the charts. The third category of people are those that deny it. They ignore it and live like it is not happening. I think that this is the only choice that is a poor one.
There is something that we can learn from these people, regardless of whether they take the fuck it option or the grown-up option. They all have better sex lives. Let us talk about this now.
The limited life span drives them to have better sex, now. In life we put so many things off. We think we want to change something and we think that we will do it later or another time. What illness brings is an awareness that you time is limited, so you have to do it now. So they set aside their inhibitions and they embrace their sexuality in a way that few of us do. If they have a fuck buddy they are brave and bold with that person. If they do not have a fuck buddy and want one, they just take the step to go and do it. The illness lends them a courage and bravery to do the things that they want to do because they have nothing to lose. Is this not the same for us in reality? The talk to their fuck buddy partners about their sexual fantasies and they try them out. The listen to their hook up’s fantasies and give that a go too! If they are feeling like spontaneous sex, they go for it, and spontaneous sex is some of the best sex that can be had!
When the have sex, they have it like it could be the last time, which lends them a passion and reckless release that drives the sex to a whole new level. What if we could capture and replicate this? Well, we can.
The brain can not tell the difference between imagination and reality in terms of its chemical reactions. Watching sport makes the brain release the same chemicals as doing sport. So if you think, in your mind, what if this was the last time, it can help you make the same decisions and take the same steps.
The proof is easy. Try is with your fuck buddy. You can tell them you are doing it or you can keep it to yourself, but you will find it gives you that playful reckless edge that will kick the sex up a notch.
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