How this genius first magnum advert sold sex to both men and women

10 Aug 2019 - 09:29 | Tags: sexy adverts, sex sells, tv hotties

Sex is a fundamental part of life. As a living, breathing, growing human, there are certain fundamental things that we need. We need food for sustenance, we need shelter to keep us warm and dry. We need clothes, we need water. All of this allows us to survive, however, to live, we need more than that. We need other humans to talk and connect to. We need education, or some level of learning and improving that happens during our lives. We need to find some meaning to our lives, whether that comes from making a difference to the world around us, the people around us or just to our own lives, that meaning is crucial if we are to be happy. Sex is a key part of this.

The desire to have sex is biologically hard-wired into us. As a species, we need that desire to ensure that we procreate and have kids to further the survival of the human species. Our happiness is thus linked to it on a biological level. There are other reasons that sex makes us happy. It tells us that we are wanted and desired by someone else, in that way it quells our insecurities and calms our stresses and nerves. It releases “happy hormones” that make us happier. It is also good exercise, results in interaction with another person on an intimate level, and is a huge reliever of stress. Sex is very important.

As we all want sex, sex has been used for a number of years in order to sell us products. Adverts tell us that if as a man we buy this car, we will be sexier. As a woman adverts will tell you that if you buy this perfume or wear this dress, you will be sexier and have men falling all over you. Adverts using sex is not a new thing.

This genius advert used the same advert to sell sex to both men and women at the same time! For a man looking at this advert, it was telling them that if they bought magnum ice creams, they could sleep with this woman. It represented their sexual desires. To a woman, it tells a different story. It says that if you buy a magnum, you can be this woman. It is selling the prospects of being the object of great desire, the sexy woman eating the ice cream and all men want her to be their fuck buddy.

Watch out for this in other adverts. If after each advert you ask yourself “was this trying to sell me this product on the basis that it will help me have sex?” You may be surprised to find the number of times that the answer here is yes!

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