New Year's Resolution: get an F-Buddy

26 Dec 2010 - 19:08

As each and every one of us are well aware, some New Year's resolutions are harder to stick to than others. While some are a total nightmare, others just never really happen, leading to frustration and a feeling of on-going disappointment. You wish you’d never started! So why not give yourself an added incentive then, doesn’t that sound like a good way to turn over a new leaf and break the curse? How about some no-strings-attached sex with a hot new fuck buddy, that incentive enough? We thought that'd get you moving...

After all, it's not cheating when it’s this much fun, and the best thing about this resolution is that one usually leads to another…And another! See a pattern forming? There are other benefits as well. Not only do you have a lot of fun, you get fit along the way too, as well as feel good about yourself with renewed confidence.

We're guessing that many of you out there will already have made this a New Year's resolution countless times (and if you have, why not leave a comment below and tell others what you've been up to?) but chances are that if you've clicked to read more then you're newer to this and looking for more information about how to make this a New Year's resolution you'll never forget. In that case, we're here to guide the way with some hints, tips and helpful suggestions. Pass these on to your friends and remember, with only a few days left of 2010, there’s no better time than now to get into the spirit!

For guaranteed success, make the resolution and stick to it: we know that for some of you, the idea of meeting an almost total stranger can be a bit overwhelming at first, but trust us – it's rare that we hear of meetings not going well. And that's the best thing about this resolution, of course...If on the slim off-chance it doesn't go as well as you’d hoped, you can always start again right away, wipe the slate clean. Find a potential f-buddy in a bar, online, or even on the bus! You may laugh but where fate is concerned, stranger things have happened...

Christmas / Post-Christmas parties, when one thing leads to another: why wait until the start of the New Year to begin? Come on, why not treat yourself and start looking a few days early...And remember, New Year's parties are a prime place to pick up an f-buddy; with the start of the New Year just around the corner and riotous fun to be had by thousands, almost endless possibilities await you, so make sure you take full advantage! That goes for the drinkers and those who don't choose to, of course.

Being frugal is fine, so no excuses: spent out after an expensive Christmas and feeling the brunt of it in your pocket...As well as around the waist perhaps? What's so flippin' fantastic about our super-fast internet age is that you don't need money to find the perfect f-buddy. In fact, it’s pretty much the last thing you need. Enthusiasm does wonders, people! Our online resources are spot on for finding someone who wants to make changes in the New Year just like you, and the rate at which connections are made here at F-Buddy, we wouldn't be surprised in the least if you are only a few seconds into 2011 when you get your first reward for all that hard work you decided to put in...

Now, tell us all that doesn’t sound like bloody brilliant fun?!

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