We all want to be having the very best sex that we can be having. We all want to reach the highest heights of ecstasy, and the longest and deepest orgasms, have sex like a rock star. We spend a lot of time thinking about the ways that this is affected by external factors. Are we with the right fuck buddy? Is the setting good? Are there better combinations? What we sometimes forget is that we also have to prepare ourselves for sex. If we are in a good place, then the sex really will be better. After a year of the static lives that the coronavirus has given us, this is more important than ever before. So, with that it mind, here are my top tips for you to prepare yourself for fuck buddy sex.
Understand your own body as a sexual animal
No one is a mind reader, least of all your fuck buddy. The best way to have great sex is to start by understanding what it is your body needs and wants. If you can do that, you can start to guide your partner towards it, but you really do have to understand it for yourself first. So know what turns you on, where you liked to be stroked, touched, how you like to be brought to come. This is the starting point.
Know what turns you off
So many people know what turns them on, but knowing what throws a metaphorical bucket of water over your sexual desire is really important. Once you know you can work to avoid it, or better yet, remove it from your life. If someone or something crushes your sexual desire, deal with it.
Tell your partner what you want
So many people expect their partner to interpret exactly what they want when the explain it not with words, but with a combination of groans, grunts and head gestures! This was never a good way to explain things, so do not do this. Instead tell your fuck buddy what you want and how you want it, and I am sure that they will oblige, especially since they know you will return the favour.
Sex is a physical activity and you need to have a certain level of fitness to be able to enjoy it, so get fit. You do not have to be an athlete, but take some exercise regularly and you will be better prepared for sex.
So prepare yourself and your sexual experiences will be better for it.
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