The Sex on a train fantasy

20 Oct 2017 - 22:42 | Tags: sex fantasy, sex dreams

You are on a train on the way home from work. It has been a good day, you got through all your work on time and with ease, you have been told you did a good job and that everyone above you is happy with how you have performed in your role. You friends at work were on good form, bantering and joking around with light hearted abandon, and you head home in good spirits.

You find yourself standing on a pack train during rush hour. You can hardly see your own shoes it is that busy. You’re eyes wonder aimlessly around the carriage, first on posters and adverts, then on a newspaper on the side that you are trying to read upside down. Suddenly your eyes are caught by these pair of magnificent eyes. These two brown orbs catch you from through the crowd. She is obviously quite small, as you can see the eyes but little else in the crush that is home time. There is something about those eyes – they really are captivating… and you realise that you have been looking at them for far too long… and that she is starting straight back at you. Something locks into place with those eyes, they are soft, sensual, and everything about them speaks of desire. They are fuck me eyes, and the bestial part of you recognises and responds to them.

You look away in embarrassment on instinct, social training kicking in. You give it a moment, then slowly sneak a peek back over. They are still there… and now the train crowd is starting to thin out. As time moves on, you start to see more and more of her. First the legs through a gap in the bags. She is wearing heals slightly too tall for comfort, and long legs to match. Her waist is thin but not anorexic, and her upper body is all woman.

One by one they all leave, till finally you find yourself the only two on the train, staring at each other. You realise that your stop is next, and unless you do something now, you are going to miss your moment. The window is closing, and it is closing fast. You move towards each other across the space, and before you know it, you are kissing. Her chest is pressed up against yours, you can feel the heat of her skin radiating against you in desire, her hand against the back of your head, her finger nails gentle stroking the base of your neck and hair as she pulls herself up and further into you.

Your station arrives as you are locked in the embrace, and in the whirlwind of the moment you wonder if you should go or stay… which is when you awake.

- My favourite sexual fantasy, anonymous f-buddy user.

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