Top three tips to improve your sex life this August

August sex tips

August is a great time to be having sex. The body’s natural hormones are in a good place, generally, work is a little slower this time of year which means you have less pressure on other fronts leaving you more time to focus on your personal life, and the global coronavirus pandemic is calming down. So, if you have had a dry few months, or you just want more sex, now is a great time to find a fuck buddy.

Once you have sorted your friends with benefits relationship, or you find yourself hooking up again, you might want to start thinking about how to make the most of that. Spending a little time and effort to improve your sex life this August is a great investment. With only a little time and effort, you can reap great rewards in the bedroom! To help get you started, here are my top tips on how to improve your sex life this August.

Relax before sex

Whilst it is true that generally speaking August is slower at work for many people, that is not true for everyone. Stress and tension are inhibitors in the bedroom, and you will both have a better time if you are relaxed. Stress is the sex killer! There are some great ways of doing this, some of which will also help you in your outside-of-the-bedroom life too!

Meditation and mindfulness exercises can help you better control your stress. Doing this regularly is, or course, ideal but if you find you do not have time to do this every day they before embarking on a seduction consider taking just 5 or 10 minutes of you time. Focus in on your breathing, allow the body to relax, listen to yourself. This simple 5 minutes can make the world of difference in the bedroom!

Do Kegel exercises

If you want to be a better runner you exercise your legs. If you want to be a better weight lifter you work your arms. Do you want to have better sex? Do kegel exercises. Taking just a few minutes a day to work out the kegel muscles, which engage during sex can improve performance for both men and women. For men it can help you control your orgasm, and when you do come, have stronger long orgasms. I once heard of a man who could propel his seamen across a room because he had really worked his kegel muscles! For women, working and controlling your kegel muscles will allow you to flip the script and go from being fucked to really fucking the guy back. It is amazing for both of you.

Plan your sex

A spontaneous late-night booty call is great, and one of the lovely things that come with the friends with benefits agreement. Planning your sex in advance can also be good. It means that you both know it is happening, if allows you to look forward to it during the day (sexting or talking dirty in the run-up), and it allows you to prepare. That could be cleaning your space, making sure you are well-rested and have the appropriate paraphernalia, and perhaps give you time to slot in some meditation beforehand. Setting yourself up for success is always a good choice.

So here are my top three tips to help you improve your sex life. Go forth and remember, the most important thing is to have fun!

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