I wrote an article here about how to appear more attractive to the opposite sex. In it I outlined the many ways in which you can change your appearance in order to make people want you more on a surface level. Whilst to some people this may appear to be shallow, dating and sex is a shallow thing, so let’s just accept this and move on! The bottom line is that when someone is looking for a fuck buddy, the thing that they are going to look at first above and beyond anything else it, well, how you look. That is the gateway. After that there may be many other things as well, such as whether you are sexually compatible, do you share a similar taste of things you like to do in the bedroom, is the physical attraction strong enough to make you want to pursue the other person for more than just the first hookup that you have? All these things are things you can only find out once you have been sleeping with the other person, they can not be worked out before the hook up itself, so don’t let this hold you back.
What can hold you back however is lack of admin skills. What am I talking about you ask? Allow me to elaborate on this.
Good Admin plays a huge role in the early days
The first step to making someone into your fuck buddy is to get them into bed with you. This can not be done online, the only way is to meet up with them physically. So the first major barrier is that first meet up... and this is where good admin skills can come into play.
You want to cultivate a feeling of trust and desire in the run up to the meeting to ensure that it happens. Keeping timely text messaging can play a big part of this, and there are tools that you can use to help this:
- Alarms on phones as a reminder to call
- Use text message schedualing in order to ensure that a text message is sent the next day without you having to think about it.
- Use google calenders or other time schedualling methods to keep track of when you have made contact, how many days it has been, and thus optimise the gaps between messaging to strike the perfect balance between messaging too much like a stalker and just leaving so big a gap that you seem uninterested.
Then book a date!
Again this is admin. Take the hard work out of it by being the one to suggest a time and place to meet. If you take care of this, the date is so much more likely to happen as there is a specific time and place. When you dream it, it may happen. When you schedule it, it does happen!
So get on top of your admin and get laid more! This is an easy way to up your sex game, so just do it. Why not send a few messages right no to start as you mean to go on?
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