Hello there. It’s really nice of you to join us! If we could shake hands with you we would, but for now this simple introduction will have to do. Sorry about that but we’ll try and make it up to you.
Anyway, welcome to F-Buddy.co.uk. If you didn’t already know, this is the number 1 place to find no strings attached sex on the internet. You’re not the first person we’ve had the pleasure to say Hello to today. In fact, the way it’s going we’ll be rushed off our feet for some time to come!
It’s tough being on top. Having said that we love it, because that’s what we do best. And we must be doing something right. Already we have thousands of members and more joining all the time, so that has to count for something. Why not become a member yourself while you’re here? It isn’t difficult. In a matter of minutes you’ll have access to our enormous database plus lots of other things!
About becoming a member. This is the part where most people start to wonder if it costs anything. Or what the catches are. Well let us assure you it doesn’t and there are none. It’s completely free and we have no hidden agenda. After that it’s time to show the world what you’re made of. You simply upload a unique profile, and then you’re free to do as you please! Have a look around now if you wish. We hope it’s to your liking.
Time to say Goodbye…or hopefully Come In!
Don't think of us as just a network of members. Think of us as a media site with articles and stories, even apps for your phone. That’s probably why we are held in such high regard, and we hope you’ll be part of it.
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