Here at F-Buddy.co.uk in Wokingham, we hate the word “boring”. If it was up to us it would be banned forever! Honestly, we know that you don’t want to spend hours reading this text when you could be out there having the time of your life. That said, we think you may want to read this if you have only just arrived…chances are that it might be of interest to you…
The first thing is, we have thousands of like-minded members across the UK, and all of them are waiting to meet you! The second thing is that we are free to join, and so much more than just a dating site. If we didn’t already mention it, we are the premier service in the UK for finding a fuck buddy. But when you think about it, are you really surprised about that?
Once you are a member you will need to create that all important profile. This is fast and easy, and there is even a video profile option. After that it’s really easy to start searching for someone extra special. Instantly you can see who is in your area and if they are what you are looking for, or not. You can even search using your post-code, narrowing down the number of potential members who take your fancy.
But don’t take our word for it, try us out if you want. And don’t think of us as just a dating site. With stories and video diaries from our very own members, there should always be something to make you laugh or get you going....
Finally, we pride ourselves on being good to our members when it comes to technical support. Instead of a machine, when you call F-Buddy.co.uk with an issue, you will speak to a real human being who actually cares. Why not try us on for size?
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