Fuck Buddies: The Sexual Double Standard

29 Jun 2013 - 21:32 | Tags: sexual double standards

This is a continuation of our discussion started in our earlier post (Embarrassed about having a fuck buddy?) and something that is frustrating men and everywhere.

We have already talked about the reasons people are embarrassed about having a fuck buddy or to be more accurate; embarrassed to consider having a fuck buddy or talk about having a fuck buddy to a friend or family member. Yet when you put all the reasoning for why such a large stigma has been attached to casual sex, you soon discover a number of sexual double standards.

Sexual Double Standard? Fuck it!
Research published by Rutgers University in New Brunswick, Canada has concluded that both men and women are equally as likely to promote double standards when it comes to the subject of casual sex. The traditional view is that ‘Men are Heroes’ if they sleep with as many women as possible and ‘Women are Sluts’ if they sleep with as many men as possible.

Both views have found to be in error according to the research.

Male Control Vs. Female Control
Researchers asked an equal number of men and women whether they gave advice designed to keep a balance of control in sexual standards. For example; men would look down on women who slept around, yet championed other men who looked for casual sex. Similarly women who engaged in casual sex or considered engaging in casual sex were discouraged from doing so by their peer groups despite traditional feminist principles dictating that women should feel liberated by their sexuality.

Yet whilst the results seemed to show that there was a greater level of male control, both genders were found equally responsible for sexual double standards given that both used rape risk and social stigma as reasons to discourage women from having casual sex.
What does this mean for fuck buddies?
In short: that you have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.

The Rutger study and others like it found that men and women are equally as likely to accept offers of casual sex from people they have just met. The reasons are similar, though there are small differences. Women are more likely to assess a potential fuck buddy based on the person’s ability to provide sexual gratification. Men are less choosey.

Be Safe…but get your fuck on with no shame!
We encourage all our members to play it safe whilst having fun, but based on the results of the Rutger study and our own experience we would also encourage all our member and any potential new ones, not to feel ashamed or embarrassed about having a fuck buddy.

As evidence shows; there is no reason for it.

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