correct foreplay
Sexting and texting as foreplay
Everyone loves foreplay. It can take so many different forms and ways, there are endless variations on how one can build up to sex. For many people, the obvious foreplay is the physical foreplay that happens before sex. Getting or giving a blow job, going down on a girl before having sex to make her nice and wet, fingering a girl to loosen her up and make her “pre-come” are all really good things to do pre sex. I want to talk about the long game foreplay, things that can be done before you are even present. For this article, I am going to be focusing on sexting and texting.7
Never forget the power of a good make out session
When it comes to being sexy, there are so many things that we focus on other that the kiss. I would like to cover what those are then remind you why taking it back to basics and focusing on the kiss is great thing to do.
The looks
We care about how we look, and this comes in two forms. We watch what we wear, is it a nice suit, an expensive dress? Does the colour match my eyes, do I look amazing in this? The other thing is our body. For guys it's usually about if they are muscle-bound enough, for the girls they tend to think about if they are thin enough, or their “bum looks...
The Moves She Wants
Say the word ‘foreplay’ to a room of heterosexual men and watch a lot of faces sag. For some reason foreplay is still considered ‘an optional starter’ on most guys sex menus. Yet foreplay can make the sex itself be even more spectacular then it would without the foreplay. If you really want to get a woman going and screaming for you to take her then it’s important you understand some of the key moves you should make before shagging her senseless.
1. Dirty Talk
This tops many polls amongst women over what they want a man to do before ripping off her clothes...