hot body = hot sex
How to appear more attractive to the opposite sex
When people want to get laid more, there are a number of things that they immediately think of doing, all of which have a varying degree of effectiveness. In this article we are going to focus on attraction. So here are some top tips on how to appear more attractive to the opposite sex.
- Losing weight is a big one – and an effective one. Dropping a few excess pounds will make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Period.
- Hitting the gym. Building lean muscles again will make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Everyone loves someone with a great body – and...
How to have sex in hot weather
It is amazing how much the temperature can affect us in all sorts of ways. As humans we are really susceptible to the heat and the cold. Too cold and we freeze up, unable to function. We loose our co ordination, our fingers become fumbly and are limbs stiff (and not in a sexy good way!). The funny thing is that too hot and the same thing happens in terms of debilitation! Too hot and we want to lie around and do nothing, our motivation drops to an all time low and all we really want to do is sit around and not move. It is really hard to get anything involving physical labour done – even...
Hot body = Hot sex? Not necessarily.
You know the FHM 100 Sexiest lists that are published every year? Of course you do! Hundreds of photos of sexy celebrities posing semi nude looking stereotypically hot and gorgeous. All staring at the camera as if winking at you in the knowledge that they know they’re hot and are sex gods and goddesses in the bedroom.
Well do you know what? Being stereotypically sexy does not translate into being a demon in the bedroom.
The Pretty Truth
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I never used to believe that until I started sleeping with lots of...