hot stuff
Pick up fuck buddy summer hotspots.
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help like minded individuals meet each other for some consensual adult fun. There are many way to meet a potential fuck buddy, and with summer here in full, there are more places than ever to do so. The most obvious and easy way is online, such as through the f-buddy website. Here you can browse profiles, message other people looking for a friends with benefits relationship, and do so from the comfort of your own home! After that meeting up in person is more targeted. However, with summer here, there are more places where you can meet...
How to have sex in hot weather
It is amazing how much the temperature can affect us in all sorts of ways. As humans we are really susceptible to the heat and the cold. Too cold and we freeze up, unable to function. We loose our co ordination, our fingers become fumbly and are limbs stiff (and not in a sexy good way!). The funny thing is that too hot and the same thing happens in terms of debilitation! Too hot and we want to lie around and do nothing, our motivation drops to an all time low and all we really want to do is sit around and not move. It is really hard to get anything involving physical labour done – even...
Sex doesn’t start in the bedroom, it just ends there
Sex doesn't start in the bedroom. It usually happens in the bedroom, but good sex doesn't start in the bedroom. It starts in the minds of the two people that are about to have sex. The anticipation that leads up to the act, the planning, the time that is spent desiring it, wanting it, waiting for it...
The build up is as important to a good session as the session itself. Everyone loves a decent main course, but when you go out for the experience of having dinner, you go out not just to satisfy your carnal desire to consume, but to be able to enjoy the time spent on the eating. There...