summer sex
Summer sex is good for the soul
Summer is here, and the world just became a brighter, happier and more sexy place! There is something about the summer, suddenly it feels like everyone is more attractive, that there are more people that you might want to sleep with wondering around the streets. Everyone is wearing slightly less clothes and you can see people’s bodies more. The heat means you burn more calories just from body regulation, and people tend to eat less in the hot weather, meaning that everyone seems to be in that little bit better shape. Summer is a great time to find a fuck buddy or a no strings attached...
How to have sex in hot weather
It is amazing how much the temperature can affect us in all sorts of ways. As humans we are really susceptible to the heat and the cold. Too cold and we freeze up, unable to function. We loose our co ordination, our fingers become fumbly and are limbs stiff (and not in a sexy good way!). The funny thing is that too hot and the same thing happens in terms of debilitation! Too hot and we want to lie around and do nothing, our motivation drops to an all time low and all we really want to do is sit around and not move. It is really hard to get anything involving physical labour done – even...
Late Summer Sex
Summer is drawing to a (very slow) close. It almost seems like it only began yesterday, and considering this is the UK that’s not really that hard to imagine. Nonetheless there is still some time to get out and about and engage in some late summer loving before the storm clouds of winter begin to gather. Question is, are you strong enough to handle the heat?
Late Summer Sexcapades
We’ve spent a while over the past week thinking about what kind of sexual activities you can get up to whilst we still have some summer light to enjoy.
Tell us what you...
Sex In the Summer
Walking around at the moment the amount of flesh on display is almost unbelievable. As Brits, it’s rare that we get the opportunity to enjoy the sunshine so the moment a break in the clouds happens we strip off.
Bikinis, thongs, hot pants, short shorts…you name it, it’s probably already been displayed peacock style down the road by your neighbours. Taking a stroll through the park the other day, we were amazed at the sheer numbers of people walking around next to naked…which for randy horny fuck buddies is brilliant.
Sex In The Sun
Fucking indoors...