Valentine's Day for your Fuck Buddy

19 Jan 2011 - 03:37

If there's one date in the calendar that opens up amazing opportunities for seeking that extra-special F-buddy, it has to be February 14th. Whether it’s sending sexy messages to other Fuck Buddy members or those who haven’t joined yet, where would we be without it? The weather may still leave a lot to be desired, but don't allow that to spoil some much deserved fun! Make the most of Valentine's Day by exploring new ways of connecting, and increase your chances of success ten-fold. After all, if you don't send any saucy messages out, how can you expect to come down the stairs to a sack full of racy letters or get lots of e-mails? And trust us when we say this can lead to fun all round…For example, loads of F-buddy relationships were formed last year after our members took advantage of the site to send tons of raunchy messages.

1) The F-Buddy site comes complete with numerous ways to get in touch with people you fancy. So if you’re busy and haven’t got time to run to the post-box, we provide all the answers and make sending a Valentine’s message something that takes just a few seconds.

2) If sending a card through the post is more your thing, Valentine's cards and messages don't have to be the same old generic thing: sometimes, the only way to impress someone who gets a lot of attention is to blow the rest right out of the water, leaving them only one choice. So think outside the box, and use your skills to create a stunning first impression. That means forgetting the standard card idea and coming up with something incredible they won't be able to ignore! Some suggestions to get you started are as follows, but don't let this short list limit your creativity: hand-made pop-up cards (there are many instructions online which can help you make these) with silhouette cut-outs can work wonders...Especially if you've got a sneaking suspicion about their favourite sexual position! Or how about cookies with some naughty writing on, hinting at the sender's identity or even suggesting a meeting place to reveal it soon? They'll taste delicious, and once they're finished they're sure to be much too curious to be able to resist meeting up. Alternatively, chocolates are always a firm favourite and a wonderful aphrodisiac too; it's never a bad idea to source some luxury ones and include a photograph that will have them drooling for hours on end...

3) That first meeting needn't be like every other, so why not take advantage of the romance in the air and turn it into a sexy game that's likely to lead onto other things? Forget the standard meet-and-greet routine, if you really want to blow someone away and leave a lasting impression that will survive well past Valentine's Day, you'll need to turn yourself into an irresistible sex God or Goddess. And there's plenty of inspiration for you out there: why not Catwoman in tight black leather, with a mask to rack up the tension? Or a naughty twist on the classic Alice in Wonderland theme? If you're a guy who looks after himself and isn't afraid to show it, why not flaunt those muscles and dress up as a sexy superhero, or a warrior out of the film 300? That's when the game really begins: one way of increasing the excitement further is to ask them a series of questions relating to who they think you are. If you're certain they'll struggle then removing an item of clothing at a time with every wrong answer is sure to raise the temperature fast. If you know they'll be able to guess your identity quickly then you could always make it a suit that rips off in one go, leaving only sexy underwear to be peeled off...

Whatever you decide to do, be sure to search through our thousands of members in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day. Our priority is making fun happen, and we’ll never stop thinking of new ways to make that easier and more exciting!


something like: Oh, I don't want to get you anything today, it'll be like it's beuacse I have to, since it's Valentine's. I'd rather give you spontaneously, some other day. When you don't feel like you're forced to do it. While I don't really agree with this logic, I can see that for some people it might make some sense. The thing was just that he never, ever gave me any spontaneous presents. Not once, during the three years we were together. And every Valentine's the same subject came up, with the same result. So I have learned not to expect too much out of it. I hope Hannes gives you something nice, though!hugs and kisses

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