F-Buddy Blog
Your hotness level matters less with a fuck buddy, not more
When it comes to the adult dating world and the selection of a fuck buddy, looks matter. The first thing that we do is look at the other person and wonder to ourselves – do I want to have sex with that person? How we look is the main driving factor for this superficial level of sexual desire and attractiveness. So do looks make a difference? Of course they do! If you are super hot, you are going to have more people who want to sleep with you than if you are not. There are also studies that have shown that we associate attractiveness with people being “better” or “nicer” and this leads more...
The effect of lockdown on sexual desire
Lockdown in the UK has brought with is a host of changes. The high streets are quiet, the restaurants are empty, the pubs are like ghost towns. Boris Johnson has recently announced an easing of the lockdown across the whole of the UK. England and Wales will start to open up and Scotland and Ireland will likely follow. The vaccination program in England in particular has been very successful, and we have a lot of the population vaccinated. When things open up things should get better. Till then, things are still mostly closed and our lives are far from being normal. Socialising is at an all...
Covid-19: turbo charging the fuck buddy relationship
When we first meet someone we fancy, things have a certain pace. You see the person, you like them, you engineer a reason to go and talk to them, you get a number. From there you do some texting meet up another time or two, and then boom you are having sex. That is a very usual and acceptable speed.
Things usually go a little faster in the adult dating world. When you are looking for a fuck buddy, a hook up, or just a friends with benefits, things tend to move at a much faster speed. On a night out that would mean seeing someone you fancy, engineering a reason to go and meet them,...
The Fuck Buddy Winners and Losers of COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has brought huge disruption to the day to day lives of people not just in this country, but the global population as a whole. Jobs have been lost, companies have been shut down, and certain industries have been decimated. On the social front, lockdown to the various strictness and degrees that it has been rolled out has separated friends and families, stopped people seeing loved ones and interacting with friends, and it has prevented people from meeting new people and partners. In so many ways, lockdown and the whole pandemic has sucked.
For those in the...
Finding a fuck buddy on Valentine’s day
Most people think that Valentine’s day is the worst time to find a fuck buddy. Their logic goes like this: if you are hooking up with someone, you are going to go out and spend valentines day together. If you are not, there is something wrong with you and you should stay home and feel bad about yourself. These people are wrong, and I would like to tell you why.
For 364 days of the year, when you go out and see someone you like and try and hook up with them, there are a hundred reasons they will ay no. Maybe they are not interested, they don’t like your gender, they have had a...
Sex games to play with a fuck buddy during the coronavirus lock down
The coronavirus lockdown continues and with it more time spent unable to leave the house to do anything meaningful. Some of us work from home, some of us are on furlough, some of us are simply no longer in a job. We spend a lot of time in our four walls.
The purchasing of board games during COVID-19 has spiked as people look or ways to entertain themselves whilst in the house. Why should this be any different for you and your fuck buddy? There are a ton of games that can be played between the two of you without breaking any lock down rules. So instead of feeling bored, pick one of...
Things to say to guarantee your male fuck buddy keeps coming back for more!
There are times in our lives when we are rich in some areas and poor in others. With the global coronavirus pandemic, it has become much harder to find a fuck buddy during times of lockdown and reduced social contact. This has meant that when we do have a fuck buddy it has become more important to have them come back for second helpings! Well, if your fuck buddy is a man, there are some things that you can say when in bed with them to ensure that they come begging for more each time!
Ready for round 2?!
This phrase works so hard! It tells your fuck buddy that you had a...
COVID and Sex: the Christmas updates
Welcome to December and one of the most unusual Christmas holidays that we have seen here in the UK in many years. Up until recently it was thought that no matter what part of England, Wales or Scotland you lived, you were going to be able to spend 5 days with your friends and family. That all changed just 48 hours ago when major announcements made first Boris Johnson then other leaders across the country were made. There is apparently a new strain of the virus that is easier to catch, it seems we have it in the UK, and it is spreading fast. This has meant the unfortunate result that they...
How to have more sex – make an effort
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you find like-minded individuals to have no strings attached fun with. Today I want to talk about how to have more sex. The most obvious way is to just put yourself out there more. Sex, romance, relationships… to a degree there are a numbers game. The more people that you meet the more likely you are to meet someone that you vibe with. This is true whether you are looking for a hookup, a friends with benefits or a long term relationship. We don’t always know why we fancy someone, only that we do, so the more people we meet the more...
Coronavirus and Sex: how to install your fuck buddy into your household
We are being told that we can’t mix outside our households, that it is really important that we continue to socially distance and not have contact with other people. Living your life two meters from the rest of humanity is a harder thing to do that you might think! We are naturally social creatures, and even the most introverted of people need human contact from time to time. The huge change in lifestyle that has been caused for so many people has affected their health and well being more than most want to admit. This is true for people’s sex lives.
Maintaining your fuck buddy...